Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Yay for Team Imodium!

Aha! I will level the scores as of yesterday, and thus the scores will stand at me and imodium (now to be known as Team Imodium) 1, old fogarty hag 0. Read the box of imodium last night and realised that the Imodium advanced I've got treats the gas too, not just the poop. So, an imodium later and I slept better. Whoo!

Up to having to get the prednisone filled. The joy of living with my parents means if one of them's got time in the day they can drop the script off at the chemist for me to get filled and I just pick it up after work. It works well. Didn't realise I was so close to needing more, it feels like I only just started it, but I noticed this morning I had two days worth left. Oops!

Rather tired today, though it feels like a different tired to usual. Also feeling stodgy, kinda like I'm coming down with a cold. If I am, dad may get the cranky end of me. He's just so stubborn with having a cold (won't take pain killers/cough meds/stuff to dry his nose up) that a/ he gets really grumpy and b/ it's almost inevitable that someone else gets it after him. And who better than the person who has a demented, weakened immune system?

Meanwhile, my eyes are driving me insane. Just the focusing issue, but it's really bugging me. And the messages getting from my brain to my hands just don't seem to be happening sometimes. Thus, this post is rather edited, otherwise mistakes would be in near every word. Bah humbug.

I had a dream last night that I had to leave work for some reason, and then suddenly remembered I had this teeny (teeny to the point of sitting comfortably in one hand) black and white kitten called Belle in the bottom draw of my desk so I had to go back for her. Went back and got her, got home and somehow had her and another little kitten (nearly as small but not quite), but this one was a little grey tabby. I love animals, and would in particular love a pet kitten. My first instinct upon getting to work this morning was indeed to check my bottom draw for a teeny black and white kitty. Sadly, no such luck.

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