Tuesday, April 21, 2009

And now for some random pointless blather.

Hmm.... I need to work on controlling my cranky. Got rather irate yesterday at work when someone had screwed us around and then threw it back on us. Sure, the situation deserved ittitation, but not the whole bucket of hellish angry I threw at it. And sure, the chemist gave somebody else meds with my label on it so they've got my name, meds, dosage and doctor info, but it riled me a heck load more than it should have, or would have prior to the meds. It's annoying my family, and it's upsetting me. I'm not that person. I won't be that person. Sure, I get a little tetchy, but I don't get huge-o cranky on things that don't need it. Also need to reign my language in a little, I've noticed I'm becoming more and more like a trooper. Mind, I don't think I can quite put that down to the meds.

Apparently with the poohs comes complimentary corn. You know how you puke, and there's always carrot in it, whether you've eaten it recently or not? Well I think corn comes complimentary with poop. 'Cause seriously, I haven't had corn in quite a few weeks, yet apparently it gets to make an appearance. It did kinda crack me up a bit last night, trying to figure out if I had indeed eaten corn recently...

Have been in denial, and maybe it's been working because it's clearing up, but my chin (at least the first one) is covered in yucky red sores. Sore and big. Dratted pimples.

The second chin, like the rest of me, I'm noticing ballooning. Seriously, it's like watching plants growing in slow motion on those David Attenborough docos, except it's fat and it's on me, not plants in the ground. It's quite disgusting actually. I noticed the chin thing moreso last night when I caught my reflection in my ds screen. Two chins and no neck. Yuck. So out came the weights. Light ones for attempting the boxing routines from the wii, and slightly heavier ones for curls. Haven't exercised in a while, so I figured I'll start out small and maybe try and work my way back into the 45 to 60 minute work out I had going before. Mind, I think that degree of exercise only lasted a week or so. Things distracted me (like blank pieces of paper)!

Am thinking I will try and find time in the day for some meditation. It could well help with a whole load of stuff I am thinking.

Stomach wise, things are..... not liquid fire. I think that's the safest way to put things. Still getting the regular aches and pains, though not as massive as before. Have realised though when I've stopped to think about it, that there's been a niggle of a pain in the bottom right of my abdomen for quite some years (at least seven or eight, if not quite a bit longer), that now I put down to the Crohn's, whereas before it was just a random niggle. At least now I've got some sort of explanation for that. Subtle indication that something was wrong, but I just got used to it. Besides, apart from the psoraisis there was no other indication until last year.

Depending on my energy levels (and less so the weather) this weekend I'm going to treat myself. I'm planning a drive up where I grew up. It's about 2 or 3 hours away from where I live now, but it's still heaven on earth for me. Wide, empty roads, fresh air, trees, cattle, sheep, horses, small country towns, emptiness. Bliss. I think I need it. I've been meaning to go there since Christmas last year, but keep putting it off, either the weather gets in my way (I take the camera), or I'm tired, or I'm sick, or I've got other stuff I want to do, or stuff I have to do, or I don't have the money for fuel.... This week I'm aiming to get enough sleep, and to eat things that won't go straight through me, and then hopefully this weekend I'll be able to get in my little red car and go. That'll make me happy.

My room also needs a drastic change, ie make the mess huger than it already is (and yes, I use the word huger), then put it all back in different places. A change is as good as a holiday supposedly, so I'll guessing if I sort everything out then it'll all make me feel relaxed and peaceful and better.

And there's still no kitten in my drawer.

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