Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tired, cold induced blather.

Urgh. I am coldy/fluey at the moment. Achey, sniffly, head feels like a bunch of wet soggy newspaper glued to the inside of my skull.... The first person who says it's swine flu will be shot. Seriously, that's all I'm reading in the news at the moment. "Blah, blah, blah, swine flu, blah blah, swine flu, blah oh look swine flu". It'll go away. Just like the bird flu did. Besides, what I have is more likely a cold than the flu. *defensiveness over and out*

Joint pain still bugging me, particularly in my fingers, wrists and knees. Also, the pain I get in my jaw is starting to worry me a bit. It happens after eating a normal size meal (small bits and pieces are okay), or when I have something warm then something cold (ie, hot food followed by a mouthful of drink). Rather painful and tight and very uncomfortable and I'm not entirely sure that I'm meant to be experiencing it.

My parents must be magic. No, really. We had pizza last night for dinner, just after I had been musing over how it would go (okay, so it was a day or two later, but hey. Magic sounds better). Eagle Boys pizza gets a big thumbs up!!! I can eat pizza! Whoo!! Just not pub pizza at the local. *sad face goes here* But I can eat pizza!

Sleep is being interupted. I don't quite know which is more annoying, the waking up and staying awake for hours on end, or the waking up every hour or two throughout the night like I have been lately. Possibly that, because at least if I'm awake for a few hours I get deep sleep either side of it and I can do stuff during the time I'm awake. Waking up regularly is sucky because there's no deep sleep and nothing gets done.

My eyes are bothering me. Still just the general blurry/hard to focus crap. It's not made much better by eight hours in front of a computer every day. My computer at home doesn't get turned on during the week anymore. Poor thing. I just don't have a need for it at the moment. By the end of the day my eyes hate me.

Coherency is also still out the window somewhat. Typing gets redone, backspaced, deleted. Talking comes out half gibberish half the time. Sometimes I just shouldn't talk. Sometimes I can't. That's fun. And others I can't think of simple words, like desk and chair and window. They get replaced with "thing" and pointed to.

Off to get blood tests again this afternoon. I get to see the meany person next Tuesday after work and he wants blood tests done. Hate needles. Hate doctors. Hate afternoon traffic. Grrr....

On the upside, I have less than a week before I tell the doctor that either he takes me off the enemas or I take myself off them. I've had enough of them, I really have. They're time consuming, always uncomfortable, often painful, sometimes to the point of wiping out all messages my brain is trying to send to my body, and quite honestly, I'm fed up of having things shoved the wrong way up my butt. Not. Happy. Jan.

I'm to the point now where I tend to end up laughing a bit, because otherwise I'll cry. And I don't even try to stop my brain coming out with silly things. Like this morning, when my first thought upon entering the bathroom was, "Let's see what the Pimple Fairy left for us today". I tend to be a bit more sensible than that, but no. Sensible? Out the window! Clearly, my brain recognises that I need amusement above anything else, particularly at that hour of the morning.

Poo is back to it's usual self (by usual, I mean that which it has been more often than not in the past couple of weeks). No slime (thank the Gods!), no blood. Maybe it was just a one off, catch up/retaliation for the MacDonalds? Hoping so. And yes readers, I will proceed to talk occasionally about poo, farts and all things gross involving the gut and the butt. Have fun reading!

No kitten. I'm sure I'll eventually get tired of looking. In a year or two. :P

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