Thursday, April 16, 2009

Shoo pain, don't bother me.

So yesterday. Had forgotten to bring lunch to work, so buggered off to Hungry Jacks (Burger King) and found myself a whopper meal. Brought it back to work and ate. A bit of discomfort as I ate, but I enjoyed having a change. Surprisingly, the greasy crap that went in my mouth yesterday lunch time has yet to have any effect on me other than that initial discomfort while eating it. Interesting. I'd have thought that out of rice or a greasy burger and fries that the latter would go through me like rocket fuel and the other would just turn to glue. Clearly not the case.

Yesterday, rather strange (mild to moderate) pain/discomfort while enema bound, thus it only lasted about half an hour. Wasn't sure what it was, just knew it wasn't going to stay there while I was in pain.

Last night had pumpkin soup for dinner. Delicious. However, the discomfort that had been there at lunch turned into quite severe agony during dinner and chose to stick around for a good ten to fifteen minutes afterwards. Rather like a very severe dose of wind that you can't get rid off (and when you do it's seriously powered up enough to scoot you forward a few feet) except it was more up near my rib cage as opposed to in my belly where wind would be. Cried a bit, dealt with it. Later tried a piece of my brother's birthday cake and the same thing happened. I'm really hoping that the meds aren't doing bad things in there. My body's already screwed up enough as it is without meds doing more damage. My reaction to more pain was to cry a bit, to which my father's response was to "Just shoosh". I'll give him 'just shoosh' next time he's in pain. Git. Yeah, I'm still quite a bit cranky at him. When the world is going to shite, the last thing you need is a not caring attitude from those around you who are meant to form your support network, however it is nice to know a tv show is more important to him than the fact his daughter is curled up and crying in agony.

Would have slept rather well last night had it not been for my brother waking me up twice, the second time I was nearly asleep again and he started singing out so that brought on three hours of insomnia. Not quite so happy about this, as dad's cold is starting to kick in. So. I'm currently tired, sore, sick and generally not so happy. Did however manage to avoid massive gas explosions both throughout the night and this morning.

Really, very over everything at the moment. I've still got 3 of my 4 main symptoms, plus all the delightful side effects of the meds. I'm spending a small fortune on them, and they're just making me worse. Not far of packing it in right now.

Still no kitten in my draw.

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