Wednesday, July 15, 2009

*witty blog title goes here*

Was thinking about updating this yesterday but I had a wonderful temper and even the Internet didn't deserve to have that thrown at it.

Monday I set the new fish tank up at work. The fish (and the snail) seem to be thoroughly enjoying the extra room, the filter and the light. Mind, the water also went bright green when I added a multi cure thing to it. Sadly my little black moore has a white fungusy spot on his side, so I'm trying to get rid of it for him. Doesn't seem to be bothering him too much, but I figure he'd rather be healthy.
Was also right in the fact that I couldn't really move on Monday, though not quite in the way I expected. I could actually feel my arms, it was my upper back and shoulders that got angry at me about the boxing. Best way to shut that up? Do it again! :) Sore, but fun.

Yesterday I dropped the amount of Prednisone again. Down to 25mg a day, so I'm happy. Once I'm off it I swear I'm never going on it again. Evil stuff. Evil I tell you!
Was still a bit achey yesterday, but not as bad as Monday. Ended up in a right temper when I got home so beat the crap out of the Wii's boxing bag. Many times. It felt good. I'd get to the end of the thing and go "Am I calm yet?". If the answer was no, I continued beating things up. Focusing on the timing of things (perfect timing gets double points) takes my mind off things.

Funnily enough, I'm not sore today. Yay! One thing I want to say: coffee is a God. Really. Particularly nice, strong coffee. Wakes me up, takes away the hungry. Magic stuff.

Making a few decisions recently too.

Going to try drinking a bit less. Not that I drink excessively or anything, maybe three or four drinks a week, but it couldn't hurt to try a little bit less. Also going to just stick to cheap wine I think. Sadly, despite my love of Bundy, it's a little too expensive, even when it's on sale. Lucky I like wine. :)

Trying to cut my spending too. I have an annoying habit of trawling the shops in my spare time, and I haven't quite got the concept of "window shopping" worked out. Sadly am the "have money, will spend" type.
So. My saving money ideas involve:
- Staying the hell away from the shops. Unless of course I actually need something. And then it might just be safer to give someone the money and send them. No impulse buys that way.
- Bring lunch from home. And avoid the vending machine at work. This also works in with my losing weight plan because my lunch from home currently consists of shakes (yummy ones), and morning tea is a banana. The shakes work out at $3.50 each, and my parents buy the bananas, so it's a heck load cheaper than buying food every day.
- Exercising more. Again, works in with the weight loss stuff too, but I figure the more time I spend doing exercise, the less time I have to spend money. Also, walking can save on fuel money.
- Taking more photos. A/it's something to do, B/it's something I enjoy and need to spend more time doing, and C/it's again following the theory of the more time I spend doing that, the less time I have to spend money.

As mentioned above, am also attempting to shed the weight. Am eating less, and eating a bit better, and also working out a bit. Hopefully this will work. I'm being a bit harder on myself than usual too, and making myself do stuff when usually I'd go, nah, I'm too tired or too sore. The above mentioned boxing on the Wii seems to be maybe helping some of the joint issues, albeit only when I'm doing it, though it does seem to play up a bit with my right hip. Mind, it's always sore now, so it can't hurt to do it.

I'm looking at gaining my independence too in about six months, hence the mad saving and lack of spending. I'm tired of having to rely on everyone, and quite honestly I need my own space too. Things are starting to pick up a bit at work which is nice, and while family can be lovely, sometimes (a lot of the time) a little bit can go a veeeery long way. So, the caravan park/relocatable home place across the road from work is starting to look very tempting. Okay, so the places are small, and there'd be strata fees, but looking at it they're about the only downsides, if they can be called downsides.
The positives?
- Saving money on fuel (at least $20 per week) by walking out the driveway, across the road and into work's driveway.
- Strata covers grounds maintenance, pool, tennis court and I think bbq area and security shuttle bus. Therefore, I don't have to do a thing maintenance wise and yet get to use these things. Yay!
- Smallish two bedroom place means less cleaning than a large place.
- Smallish two bedroom place is still bigger than teeny tiny shoebox of a bedroom.
- Owning, not renting.
- Freedom/independence from family.
- Freedom/independence in general
- Able to fill the need to decorate a house. Seriously, I don't get clucky for babies, I get clucky for a house and decorating it.
- Neighbours being close enough (and possibly nosey enough :P) that if something goes wrong they'll hopefully notice and be able to help.
- Neighbours being close enough that jumpy old me will feel a bit more secure.

Okay, so there's bills and rates and such. I get that, I expect that. I'm allowing for that. I also know there are going to be days where I can't really do much because of the Crohn's or the arthritis. But you know what? That's why freezers, microwaves and cooking in advance were invented. And being so close to work I could possibly last longer on my bad days, knowing that I just have to waddle back across the road as opposed to trying to manage a car with bad joints, and also the traffic.

So um.... yeah. That's about all I had to blurt out, I think. Maybe....? :)

Oh! That's what else. Carrot cake? Doesn't go so good with the gut. :(

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