Monday, July 20, 2009

The Gutsy Girl

That blog up there? I've been watching her pretty much since I started blogging here. And she's awesome.

If you're reading this, reading your blog often makes me feel better when I'm having a "waaaah why do I have to be the only person on the planet dealing with this?" moment (also brings me back down to earth and reminds me that I am not indeed the only person on earth dealing with it). Also, the food you're cooking and sharing with the world? Looks absolutely amazing and delicious and I'm itching to try my hand at some of it. So thankyou for blogging!


  1. Ragamuffin,

    I did just read this after you left your comment about the zucchini soup - thank you so much!!! I totally agree about reading others' blogs -- I don't know anyone personally with Crohn's, so the online community has become my support network. And now since I'm feeling better, I have started cooking again! I'll link your blog to mine (let me know if this isn't okay, no worries). It will be on the right-hand side on my blog. Thank you again!

  2. Thankyou for the link! I'll do the same for you when I figure out how to! :D

    And thanks for reading, I'll definitely let you know how the soup goes for me when I get around to it. :)
