Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Lotsa blather

Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have forgotten how to fly. Don't remember where I read that originally, but it couldn't be truer.

So. Thursday arvo, promptly fell apart. Friday, dragged myself to work, then kidnapped a few of my friends from a bus stop and went to the shops with them. Ended up with awesome hugs, and bought myself a few cook books and another Kimmi Doll (Kioko - Happiness), along with shampoo and conditioner that were half price (awesome!). Got home and enjoyed the peace and quiet of my brother being away. Didn't fall apart on Friday.

Saturday, went shopping. Had intended on finding clothes. Failed. Bought almost everything else under the sun though. Borders was attacked (Bloodhound - Tamora Pierce, some other book, and the most recent Jamie Oliver magazine), and I found a new handbag. All of mine are giant giant things which are awesome when shopping because you can fit half a house in them, but not so awesome for sitting on the floor when at a restaurant. So I found myself a new, small one that fits the necessities in and nothing else. Also went to the Oxfam shop and bought a little soapstone hippo statue thingy (I loved hippos as a child, they were my favourite animal and I still have a certain degree of respect for them). Bought presents for a friend too as it was her birthday. Was dead to the world and in a degree of pain by lunchtime/when I got home, but doped myself up and went to friend's dinner/birthday event. Indian food was nice, got a mild chicken thing in a creamy tomato sauce, then because I felt the most mild of rumblings doped myself up immediately on Imodium. Did spend a bit of time worried on Sunday and yesterday, and also needed more Imodium on Sunday, though not sure if this was from Indian food or other food from Sunday morning. Also did not fall apart on Saturday.

Sunday I was dead. And fell apart a little. Also caught up with a friend who is going overseas this week for a few months because her daughter is having a baby (daughter lives overseas, she's not running away from being a grandma).

Yesterday was okay pain wise, although my stomach did go a bit special later on, just random stabby pains that I've gotten used to over the years, though lately they've been hanging around and a bit more annoying. Back also started hurting later on too and thus went to bed with a horrid back ache. Was however the first day in a week or more that I hadn't required pain killers.

Today, very sore, particularly in fingers/wrists, and very very tired. Hate being so tired. And my stomach's still being special.

Also a bit cold, though this has something to do with my shawl thinger laying on my bag in the corner. Was wearing it, but the boss has decided since seeing me in it that my name is Poncho. My name isn't Poncho, and would appreciate not being called it, so I figure if I don't wear the shawl, he might forget.

So my day's going downhill a little. Tired, sore, cold, and getting slightly more cranky and irritable by the minute. Gods help everyone I work with by the end of the day.

My fish are currently enjoying some new plants and some new shiny colourful stones in their bowl (enjoying that is, just as soon as they got over their confusion). No kitten, though I nearly bought both from the pet store when they meowed at me. ;P

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