Thursday, May 14, 2009


Tired as all shite. Have a headache. Feel rather coldy. Actually, feel kinda like crap in general. Just want to dope myself up on pain killers then curl up and go to sleep in a warm, comfy bed.

Yesterday, went to get blood tests done. Find out that a/ I need to get a urine test done as well and b/ stupid doctor forgot to write "weekly" on the form, so had to chase that today. A new one will be mailed to me. Seriously though, considering the hole in the toilet seat that women get to pee through while sitting, how the hell do they expect us to aim it into that tiny little jar???? Somehow managed without peeing all over my hands, but still. Thanks ever so much for warning me doc.

Had Subway for lunch. Some of the guys were going there so asked them to grab me a meatball sub. I figure stuff it. My gut doesn't like me much the past few days anyway, so why should it matter what I eat? It's gonna be upset with me either way. While they were buying me food (really guys, thanks if you read this), I went shopping.

Despite there being no kitten in the bottom drawer of my desk, there are now three goldfish in a goldfish bowl sitting next to my computer. A black moore, a red cap faintail and a calico fantail. Leaning towards Othello as a name for the black moore, but the others are still unnamed. May think of something other than Othello too... The CEO's offering to make sushi with them. :S

Head hurts. *sadface here*

Also, Imuran increase this morning from 50mg to 100mg (1 tab to 2).

Hips and shoulders were hurting lots yesterday. Hips still a bit sore today. Hate having the shakes. Legs were shaking with it this morning. Hate it.

Eyes still blurred/blurring. Trouble focusing/pain occurring while focusing. Also have raccoon eyes from being tired. Not a good look.

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