Thursday, May 7, 2009

Mellowed a bit?

I've noticed in the past few days in particular that the shakes seems to set in about lunch time, often a bit before. And it stays too. Dinner can rock around and I'll still have the shakes. Not hugely worried, just sometimes it's noticeable, particularly in my hands. Just little tremmors.

Rather sleepy too, though doubt it's from anything out of the ordinary. Ie, it's probably the old hag, the Pred, or just the weather. Comfy weather. Sleepy weather. Did sleep well last night though. Only woke up once during the night. Yay!

Started the Imuran this morning. 50mg for a week, then up to 100mg. There was talk of maybe increasing it again after a week or so of that, but have to see what the blood tests show/make sure I'm not getting horrid side effects from it first. I'm wondering though, a lot of what I've read of other people's blogs or in forums seems to suggest that I'm likely to get rather tired for a few weeks with the Imuran. If I get much more tired I'm going to be lucky to drag myself out of bed in the mornings. Not so good, methinks. Knock on wood I'll pass on the side effects on this one.

My joints have been going to town today, mostly my wrists and fingers and they aren't responding to Advil, so I'm ever so slightly tetchy and crotchety. It's not fun when you can't type and can't click a mouse button without something making your mind go "ow".

And the leg that cramped yesterday is still incredibly painful. Very tight and sore. Need some Deep Heat or a massage. Maybe both. Both could be good.

Meanwhile, today is day three of no enemas (WHOO!!!!), however I think my butt will still take a while to forgive me for them.

Vision is still blurred, moreso when I have to stare at a computer screen all day. Mind, is a cushy job, with great people, so I won't complain too much. Hopefully the sugars (I'll get them done next Wednesday) will confirm or ....not confirm? the diabetes thing. Hoping it's not that, cause daily needles aren't my thing, but if it was it'd be an explaination at least.

Going through some clothes tonight and making a pile for charity. Saturday will probably see me become rather grouchy as I replace all those clothes with ones that fit. Hate clothes shopping. But, it needs to be done. I need clothes that fit, and I need to get rid of the ones I haven't worn in years too.

The bottom drawer of my desk is still not meowing either. Just thought that was worth a point. :P

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