Monday, June 29, 2009

Attempt at an update

Not really all that much to update here, but I'll make an effort anyway.

Went out for coffee on Saturday and enjoyed it. Two cups of the stuff had me buzzing for a while, and the company was good. Also found a really lovely shirt that could have gone okay on me (larger sizing, nice colours/pattern), but it was $70 and not on sale, so I left it there. Am vaguely thinking about going back for it though.

Saturday night I took my parents out for dinner (my brother was away). Have eaten there before, and I love it there. I've normally gone some form of chicken (their chicken is awesome!), so Saturday I tried the flathead. Some of the best fish I've had to memory. Also had garlic bread prior to the meal and promptly doped myself up on Imodium again (garlic is sadly not my friend).

I pick the most stupid times to become motivated. I mean really. Who wakes up with a shite of a head cold, muscles aching from said cold, joints aching from arthritis and goes "I'm going to clean my room today, which hasn't been done in about a year", apart from a mad woman. Stupid decided this was a good idea, and thus by early afternoon yesterday I could barely move. My back's still giving me grief, and my hips, knees and ankles and occasionally complaining too. Stupid joints. Though my room does look vaguely more organised now, despite still needing work done to finish it off.

Also ended up with a bit of the Crohn's pain last night/evening, and a bit of blood, though not as much as there used to be. Doctor won't get this info because I'm still aiming to have the Pred reduced, and I'm fairly sure this info will just make him increase it.

Sick of being fat and hairy. Really sick of it. And sick of the mental state the Pred puts me in too. Stupid stuff.

Off to see the rhumy on Thursday too. Hands are much better, though the pain does creep back a little bit occasionally. It's the rest of the joints now that are giving me problems. Barely managed the stairs this morning. Hopefully he can start the ball rolling for the Humira. Fingers crossed!

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