Sunday, April 12, 2009

And now for something slightly more normal

After a slight dose of insanity. I am capable of slight humor, despite feeling awful. Spent last night dealing with gas/wind issues again. It's really a case of russian roulette when it comes to that, a 50/50 chance of just gas but the other chance of gas and needing to crap. So every time I get massive gut pains (which as it turned out last night, was every time I turned over in bed), I'd end up having to run to the loo just in case. Get back to bed, and I must just doze off before turning over and bam! Repeat. Seriously, only bit of proper sleep I got was between about 5:30 this morning and 8, which is when the diarrhoea appeared (again). A few trips to the loo and some imodium later and I was vaguely becoming human again.

Spent the day in a zombie-like state, not really doing much of anything due to tiredness. Did however achieve some knitting and crocheting, which it feels good to have done. Not quite so sore in the fingers today.

Also noticed today that the past few days I haven't been quite so raving starving. Maybe my body is slowly getting used to the amount of meds? I'm hoping so. I don't enjoy being that hungry, particularly when I know I've already over eaten.

Despite having no pimple out breaks, and despite being in denial for about five days now, I think I must finally wave the white flag and surrender to the new colony which has established itself on my face. Blackhead Central appeared on my nose out of the blue, bringing with it Downtown Blackhead which has established itself on my chin. Blackhead East and Blackhead West have invaded my cheeks, and Upper Blackhead has taken hostages and slaughtered natives on my forehead. Despite protesting with chemical warfare (aka - anti oil/pimple/blackhead stuff), my face has failed to prevent this onslaught. In a final display of disrespect for the face they invaded, the residents of Blackhead Central and Downtown Blackhead in particular have started building oil refineries in the dozens. Chemical warfare has once again failed. Continued chemical warfare has also failed. Water mains bursting leaks may ensue.

Did make it back to my wii today for all of about 10 minutes. 40 days since my last effort on there. Have been feeling like shite for longer than that, but got to the "eh, feck it" point 40 days ago. I missed boxing. I know on the wii that I'm not actually hitting anything, but it still feels good to lose myself in timing and pretend to be hitting something or someone. Need to set time aside for it more often.

Oh, and some advice for when you're enema bound/can't move off the loo/curled up in agony. I suggest keeping a pile of books next to your bed, next to the loo, and next to the sofa. A ds is also a good idea, though perhaps keep this on your person and a pile of games next to each mentioned place (more than 1 ds starts getting a bit on the pricey side, eh?). Currently Animal Crossing is getting me through things (yes I know, 21 and playing kiddy games. You try taking things seriously when you're in one of those situations! I dare you!). Note pads, pens, pencils, etc are also awesome (writing, drawing, creating voodoo dolls....). A bottle of water kept in each location is good (re the toilet, keep it outside the toilet, and no, you can't just drink the toilet water). Hot water bottles/wheat bags will become your new deities. Cold packs can be similar.

Now, off to try nuclear warfare on my face invaders.

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