Friday, September 18, 2009


So I finished work on Wednesday. Already starting to feel more relaxed. Hoping now that I don't have work to contend with that I can get my life sorted and back on track. The people I worked with were all very generous, all chipped in and got me a $75 Borders voucher. They're awesome people.

I'm aiming to go to the beach at least twice a week (looking at Tuesdays and Thursdays for some sort of routine) to watch the sun come up and then walk the breakwall. Relaxing and exercising at the same time huh?

Also had a phone call from the dietician two days ago to move my appointment forward to yesterday. So I trudged along and saw her. I am now not allowed to touch wheat with a ten foot pole, same for fat and onion and most fruits. What the? No fruit when losing weight? Oh, and most definitely no fruit juice. I am however still allowed alcohol, and as much diet soft drink as I like. I don't get it, but I s'pose that's why she's the dietician and I'm not. See her again in a month to see how I'm going.

Umm..... Really I've got nothing. Pretty much the same really, whinging about everything. Still extremely tired.... Eh. Maybe more next time.

1 comment:

  1. best of luck with the new dietary guidelines! i'm headed to a nutritionist myself. sounds like she's treating you like one would a Celiac... equally confused by no sugar but lots of carbonation is okay.
