Friday, January 15, 2010

Today's whinge brought to you by....

So I've taken myself off the ibuprofen for my joints in the hope that my stomach wouldn't get any worse.  Have spent today near doubled over in pain and with yellow liquid coming out my butt, along with barely being able to move from joint pain.  Oh, and did I mention I was tired?

Very entirely over chronic illness right now.  I mean heck, I was just starting to look for jobs again too, and now chances are that the GI will say he wants to shove things up my butt and then probably tell me he wants me back on the pred.  What a great way that'll be to start off a new job.

Apologies, I'm not exactly a happy camper.


  1. Ugh I hate prednisone. I just got off it in December and at my GI appt he was all "well the humira seems okay but we may need a steroid to help it" I was like hell no. I begged even for an antibiotic....anything but that. Luckily, I'm steroid free till my next appt till May. Usually I find tylenol to be helpful, as NSAIDs tear your stomach up. I'm on tramadol now and I'm sorry but I can't live without pain med. Good luck lady.

  2. Psst- ask your doctor about Entocort (Budesonide) instead of Prednisone. It is also a corticosteroid but it targets the intestine and has fewer side effects. :)

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