Friday, October 30, 2009

Slightly late weekly post.

So on Sunday (ignore that it's now Friday) I had my weight down to 86.4 kilos. Happy dance occured, though it was less than a kilo, so not quite as happy as previous weeks. Am considering with the weight loss buying some shorts or skirts. Yes, shock horror, I'm considering stuff that isn't ankle length and denim. Shoot me now. Summer is just around the corner and it's starting to get just a little bit warm.

Also dropped down to 1mg of Pred. 1mg!!! Just over a week and I'm off the stuff for good. *dances*

Have been boldly venturing out into the world of food again, with some successes and some failures (oh the pain!). Some foods (like onion) can be eaten in moderation, some foods (like bread) are more of an issue.

Mr Anonymous didn't work out. Sad at the time, not so sad now. *shrug* As they say, as one door closes, another one opens. Don't know who they are in this instance. Actually in any instance....

In news that is sad (at least to me), one of my catfish died yesterday. I got all three at the same time, they were the same size, and all equally cute, but I get the feeling this poor little one didn't get much food. The other two got a little bit territorial and unfortunately the only way to get any food to them without the garbage disposal units (aka goldfish) getting it was to dump it in the others' logs. Poor little thing.

Still hoping to get to Sydney for the Gluten Free Expo ( - shameless advertising for something good), though I'll have to see how things are going closer to the date.

Hope eveyone is healthy and alive.

1 comment:

  1. Hey I am a long time fan of your blog, but I've never really commented till now! I also made my own blog, if ya wanna checkit out:) What meds are you currently taking to maintain your Crohns? I saw you mention remicade. I did that one for about 5 yrs off/on and am now on humira. Humira is a God send, dude. So convienent.
