Sunday, May 30, 2010

Dear Old Hag, please go away.

Ah life.  Where would we be without it apart from enjoying ourselves?

Ahem.  I believe I left you just before I started pooping green waterfalls, so I will take it from there.  Spent the evening pooping green waterfalls and was nill by mouth from midnight until the time of my being knocked unconscious and having things shoved in places they should not be shoved.  I had been told to present to the hospital at 9:30 (despite the doc telling me to arrange a time sometime between 7 and 9), and had been booked in for a 10 am time slot.  At about quarter to one a somewhat tired, cold, hungry, thirsty, contankerous and downright unbearable me was finally knocked out.  Usually scenario of farting like a hippo upon waking up in recovery before being wheeled out into the post recovery area to be treated to sprite and sandwiches.  Made from bread.  Made from wheat.  :/  The sprite admittedly was very good.  The sandwiches remained in their packaging.  Also adding to the usual scenario while in recovery was the doctor coming around and talking to me the moment my eyes had fluttered open (and then promptly closed again) under the assumption that open eyes equates to consciousness.  Hate to tell them, but it really doesn't.  Was driven home by mum, ate a rissole and watched Sherlock Holmes (which actually wasn't quite so bad).

Spent a few days afterwards in increasing degrees of agony, ending with me curling up in a ball and having a bit of a cry at work.  Settled down for a few days and seems to be randomly attacking me.  Since the procedure, have seen my doc (5:30 appointment, I got in there about 6, and didn't get out until around 7:30....) and shock horror was told that there's inflamation present in the terminal ileum.  Really?  Inflamation with Crohn's?  Never would have guessed.  On the bright side, to qualify for Humira you have to have a CDAI of over 300.  Even after they'd taken 10 points off me for being fat (I weigh 75kilos, most things say I should weigh around 55, however the thing for Humira says I should weigh 49.  Imagine if they'd seen me when I ballooned at 95!) I still came out at 388.  Application for Humira is submitted!  Only thing the GI's not sure about, is when I was on Imuran, I had to stop taking it because I was getting crappy headaches.  The government recognises headaches as side effects of the drug, however they do not recognise it was a reason to stop taking it (and still being able to qualify for Humira).  GI said he'll try his best anyway though.  Here's to hoping!  If not, the new reumy (who I see tomorrow arvo) seems fairly confident he can get me there with the joint pain.

Oh, and apparently my liver's still erring a little on the stuffed side, so I'm being sent to get an ultrasound done of it.

In non-Crohn's news, am working.  Well, I get up, drive to a place of work, and get paid for the day.  Am however not doing a damned thing, and I'm starting to get tetchy about it.  I want to work so the memories will leave me alone.  Sitting in a chair doing nothing for eight hours a day is not achieving this.  Hopefully, they'll realise fairly soon that they're paying me to do nothing and will give me something to do.  Oh, also don't believe I mentioned that it took the head office two weeks to arrange a computer for me, as a result of HR and IT arguing over who's job it was to issue me with an employee number.  Like the people, like the place.  Just want some work.

Have been attacking more yarn projects (again, can't show here because people who are receiving said things read this blog.  :P) and been thoroughly enjoying my books.  Rather disappointed in the bookshops though, because I've been looking for particular books for some years now, and they've only just got the series in that I want just when I really can't afford it (paying parents back for stuff, various med bills coming in, and saving for bigger stuff).  Cranky aimed at you A&R!

Fish are being fish.  The redcap is now back in the old fish bowl that they were all in originally, however still in isolation.  It became evident that the tank it was in had sprung a small leak and had been slowly leaking since being filled up a few months ago.  Lump on its side is now looking more like a wart than a blister, so I'm fairly sure the poor thing has a tumor as opposed to anything curable.  The other two are going alright, although the tank's green again for a little while, just not sure if the moor has white spots on him (again!).

Oh, will try and throw a link to this up the side somewhere, but for now, have a link to my Deviant Art account.  A lot of my photography goes up there, as well as food and yarn stuff I've made.

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