Blergh. Dying from the plague, or at least some doppleganger of it. Went and got the 'flu shot the other week and have been slowly deteriorating ever since. Also on the medical side of things, I have an appointment to see a new rheumatologist this coming Monday arvo, so hopefully things'll start going right huh? Am also needing to see the skin doc again. The psoraisis is flaring like a bitch - itching, stinging, burning, weeping and oozing to the point of making clothes wet, and it's got the whole rotting flesh smell going on too. Maybe if the docs work together they can work something out? Eg - the humira that treats the Crohn's, and the joint pain, and the psoraisis.......
Went and got myself on welfare benefits. Got my first payment this previous Monday and then yesterday needed to ring up and try to cancel said payments. Got offered a job!!! Working with a massive international mining company starting Monday. They even seem flexible enough to deal with the doc appointments! Yay for awesome employers!
In a fish update, I'm down to the three goldfish. The last catfish keeled over and died a few weeks ago now and I'm still scratching my head as to why. But, the goldfish aren't far out from their first birthday (14th May!) and yes, I'm going to be the crazy pet owner and make them a birthday cake. :D
Been working on various little projects to try and keep my sanity, when my fingers will allow it, photos will appear eventually. Promise. :)
Hope everyone is well/recovering from any bad stuff.
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