Saturday, August 15, 2009

Pain (AKA She learns how to put pictures in!)

Hmm..... So. Went and saw the rhumy yesterday. On the plus side? He wants to interfere with the Pred 'cause he wants me off it. This is a good thing. If he hadn't interefered I'd be sitting at 15mg for the next few weeks, which is better than 40mg, but not as good as none. Instead I'm backing down by 2.5mg per week until I'm down to 5mg and we go from there. On the downside? He's suddenly decided that I don't have inflamitory arthritis, despite the x-ray proof, and his previous opinions, and oh, I don't know, the excruciating pain. So. Not only do painkillers not make an appearance, it now seems like he won't be pushing for the humira or infliximab. Bad. Very bad. Because the GI wants me on one for the Crohn's so it doesn't get bad again, but because of all the hoops, we can't get it for the Crohn's. He was relying on the rhumy getting it for me for the arthritis. So was I. Won't go into the temper tantrums, but let's just say it was better I wait a day to post than post straight after I got home.

Also a bit mentioned about sleep and pain and vicious cycles. Oh, and the warmth and massage and exercise to help with the pain. *dumb look goes here* Sure, I don't want drugs if I don't need them, but fuck me, how much pain do I need to be in and how messed up do I have to be for somebody to damn well do something?

I'm just so tired of nearly getting my head around something and then have everything change.

My fish are being cute, as usual. Them, and a glass of scotch and coke settles me. I still get lost in watching them. I swear, I'll glance at the tank and then ten minutes later realise that the quick glance has turned into a ten minute staring contest. With fish. :D

Here are said fish and fishtank
(finally learnt how to put pictures in too!).

Above is one of the cute baby catfish.
Find him! I dare you! :)

And my all too cute black moor, all cured now. :D

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