Huh. So it seems that not only do I get spam in English in my inbox offering to make my assumed penis 'absolutely massive to wow the ladies' (just for the record, the last time I checked I was well and truly female), I'm now getting similar spam in Chinese on my blog. Dear Idiots, you're just ever so slightly sucktacular. Word verification now on.
Ahem. A blog. :)
Is it possible to bruise the inside of your butt? In the last few weeks I've gone from liquid or normal, to lumps of cement. The other day, that delightful "You need to go yesterday" sensation occurred, so off I bolted. And then it got stuck. Me sitting there going bright red in the face and getting a lovely headache from the straining and The Lump just stuck there. It wasn't going out, it couldn't be pinched off like usual, and it sure as heck wasn't going back in. Eventually, The Lump moved, and I thought all was good. Until I had the urge to go again. It moved, but oh Gods it hurt! No blood, so I'm guessing no cracks (pun not intended), but really. Is it possible to bruise the inside of your butt?
Pain relief is proving rather difficult lately. The stuff I take has ibuprofen (which I know is bad, but the docs don't seem to wan't to give me anything else) and codeine in it. There's been a change in the system now so that from the 1st of May, if you want to buy a box with more than 30 in it, you need a prescription. Now some may say 30 is all well and good, but here's the catch. You can only buy one box, once every five days. I go through eight a day, so I'm a little bit screwed. About the only way around it is to hit up all the different chemists in the area, and that's gonna take a fair bit of time. So I think ultimately I'm just going to have to throw a tantrum back at the doctor when he doesn't want to prescribe me anything, and he's just going to have to refer me to a different rhumatologist. Something needs doing and if I can't access the meds that make things slightly better then I think some heads need to roll. I'm the patient, damnit! The whole gig goes, I give you money, you make me better. Not I give you money and you ignore me.
All ranted out. :)
Still unemployed, possibly hitting up a government agency thing tomorrow to see if there's any welfare payments that I qualify for and if they can help me find work. Tried some recruitment agencies, but it seems the Crohn's could be an issue for them (as in everything was going fine and great guns until that was mentioned). Unfortunately, nothing to prove that it's discrimination, so I've got nothing to throw at them.
Trying to keep my sanity through various methods. Long drives are unfortunately not an option at the moment, they seem to land me in a fair deal of pain. I'm managing sometimes to get a bit of work done on the blanket I'm making, and I'm chewing my way through the books I've got piled next to my bed.
I've also taken to collecting paint chips. Not as crazy as it sounds! Five figures in the red, no job, no money, but my goal is to start investing in property, starting first with my own home. Paint chips keep my head up by reminding me of all the pretty colours that are going on the walls when I get the place. And then that sparks ideas for the floor (polished floorboards, which will be so much easier on my back than carpet when it comes to cleaning) and the kitchen (massive old country style) and the backyard (bring on the chook shed and veggie patch!). So yeah. Weird yes, but not completely insane. :)
Oh! Fish update! Still have all three goldfish and the remaining catfish. Still in their craptacular tank, bar my little redcap. It seems like he has some sort of cyst on his side and because I'm not sure if it's something contagious he's been in an isolation tank for a little while. The cyst doesn't overly seem to be bothering him, and I think because of the extra space they all have now, they're all growing. Not quite so tiny anymore, but still what the fish stores are selling as small. New fishtank will come with money which will come with a job, so one day. :)
Also thankyou to all for the support. Each new day is another foot infront of the other.